Team Chia February Update
One of my favorite books is "Outliers: The Story of Success" by Malcom Gladwell. The book details several stories in a very Malcom Gladwell sort of way that describes the path to greatness. Throughout the book, the concept of pedigree emerged to me as a relevant concept to my family thanks to the fact that four generations of Chiappettas have essentially been doing the same thing for 103 years. Years of practice and procedures passed down from generation to generation.
Just a few days ago, I had my boys at the shop after school and it got me thinking about this book as I saw my middle child Bruno working in the lab, gluing some materials together in the attempt to make Zelda sword (Santa brought the boys a Nintendo switch). I saw him sitting there, happily tinkering away with contact cement and orthotic materials and it got me thinking about pedigree.
The thing about pedigree is that it defines what has happened in the past. Pedigree does not always convert to skills or greatness, it's what we do here and now that convert to identity and allows a culture or skills to translate to the next generation.
In seeing this picture, it gives me great pride, not just because it's my kid, but because Chiappetta Shoes is a testament to our trade and a house of excellence where people spend time learning timeless skills that help the feet and body feel better.

News from Team Chia: February Update
Marketing Update
It has been one full year in our new shop as of this upcoming Monday, February 12th! All of us at Chiappetta Shoes are extremely grateful for the response from existing customers to continue to support our local business. And on top of that the new customers have provided an amazing response too! We're still getting the occasional lifetime Kenosha resident that comes in saying "Hey, nice location, I've never heard of you guys but just saw the new store!" 🤣
Running a business is mostly about managing people and we're excited to announce we hired a new Head of Design and Content Creation. We have lots of big plans this year and would love to get back to our Grindhouse Review series as well as a ton of other engaging video series that helps people solve their foot pain.
The mission of Chiappetta Shoes is to be your first step when solving foot pain and that will be carried forward in new ways for 2024 including our super secret Project Archaeopteryx (more to come soon!).
FW24 Merchandise Buying Trip
It's shoe buying season for the purchasing team and we're looking for ideas on what merch you would like to see in our shop at Chiappetta Shoes! We are heading to the national shoe show in Atlanta soon and would love to hear what brands are floating your boat in 2024. Two of the main companies we will be talking to are UGG and Dr. Martens. The dress category is also an area we would like to improve upon too so any thoughts are appreciated.
The work boot category is also a huge area of emphasis for the FW24 season so we'll be talking to Keen and Timberland Pro to expand our assortment of Red Wing, Irish Setter, and Thorogood. Also on a marketing note, expect to hear more from us on partnering for work boot programs this spring!
We hope you all have an amazing year, thanks for reading, and always feel free to reach out anytime!
Ciao Ciao
~ Tony chips Chiappetta
Chiappetta Shoes